In addition to our standard real estate agent services, we also offer a unique guaranteed rent Scheme. With over 15 years of experience working with HMO guaranteed rent, we are trusted agents and can provide landlords with a 3-5 year guaranteed rent income and a comprehensive property management at no extra cost. As a landlord, you can have the peace of mind knowing that your property is in good hands and your rental income is guaranteed.
What is a Guaranteed Rent Scheme?
A guaranteed rent scheme is a strategy for property investment that ensures landlords receive a steady income every single month. This is achieved through a long-term lease agreement, typically lasting between 3-5 years, in which the landlord’s property is fully managed and they do not have to worry about finding tenants or dealing with an empty house. Rent payments are made on a regular basis, regardless of whether the property is occupied or not.
Why Guaranteed rent can be your solution?
Guaranteed rent can be a solution for landlords who want a consistent and reliable income stream from their rental properties. With a guaranteed rent service, landlords can receive a guaranteed monthly rental income, regardless of whether or not the property is occupied or if the tenant is late or unable to pay the rent. This eliminates the risk and uncertainty that comes with traditional rental properties, where landlords are dependent on tenants paying rent on time.
Additionally, guaranteed rent service can also include comprehensive property management, which can take the stress and responsibility of managing the property off the landlord’s shoulders. Landlords can have the peace of mind knowing that their property is in good hands and that they are receiving a steady income, even if the tenant is unable to pay.
Benefits Guaranteed rent Scheme
Investing in rental properties can come with its fair share of risks, but guaranteed rent schemes offer a solution to mitigate some of these concerns.
By entering into a 3-5 years agreement with us, landlords can enjoy the following benefits:
- A steady and reliable income stream, as rent is guaranteed. No need to worry about void periods, as we are responsible for finding and maintaining tenants
- A property management team that takes care of the day-to-day responsibilities of renting out a property.
- Network of contractors and handy man’s for small repairs
- We are experts in providing guaranteed rent schemes across London. With over 15 years of experience, we are able to offer landlords a secure and worry-free option for their rental properties.
Our team is available to assist with all aspects of property management, from tenant screening and rent collection to repairs and maintenance. With us, landlords can rest assured that their rental properties are in good hands, and their income stream is guaranteed for the next 3-5 years.
With Pisoria you can guarantee your rent in London and have peace of mind knowing that your property is in good hands.

Why to choose Pisoria for your guaranteed rent company?
We understand the importance of a steady and reliable rental income for landlords. That’s why we offer a guaranteed rent scheme that promises:
- -A regular monthly rental income, guaranteed by us
- -A professional and personalized property management service
- -A stress-free renting experience for landlords
- -Stay informed about legal requirements and regulations
If you’re interested in learning more about our guaranteed rent scheme for landlords in London, feel free to browse our FAQs or schedule a consultation. We’ll be more than happy to show you how our program can benefit you and your rental properties.
Take the first step towards a more secure and profitable investment today.
Explore your options
As a landlord, whether you’re just starting out, stumbled into it unexpectedly, or have a substantial collection of properties, our Property management services can support you with all facets of renting out your property. Additionally, our rent assurance program allows us to take care of your property for you, while ensuring a steady monthly income. Reach out to us to learn more about the possibilities.